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AWS CloudFormation infrastructure provisioning

This tutorial focuses on the usage of AWS CloudFormation as an Infrastructure-as-a-code tool to provision Harness infrastructure within a Harness pipeline.

Provision with CloudFormation Create Stack

This tutorial will provision resources in a Custom stage using the CloudFormation Create Stack step.

Before you begin

Verify that you have the following:

  1. A Kubernetes cluster in CloudFormation: Create a stack in CloudFormation to provision an EKS cluster to be used as deployment infrastructure.
  2. Obtain GitHub personal access token with the repo scope. See the GitHub documentation on creating a personal access token.
  3. Fork the harnesscd-example-apps repository through the GitHub website, which contains the CF template file.
  4. A functioning Harness pipeline that deploys an application on your cluster using a manifest. Please follow this get started tutorial to set it up.

Get started

  1. Log into Harness.
  2. Select Projects, and then select Default Project.


  1. Under Project Setup, select Secrets.
    • Select New Secret, and then select Text.
    • Enter the secret name harness_gitpat.
    • For the secret value, paste the GitHub personal access token you saved earlier.
    • Select Save.

AWS connector

  1. Copy the contents of aws-connector.yml.
  2. In your Harness project in the Harness Manager, under Project Setup, select Connectors.
  3. Select Create via YAML Builder and paste the copied YAML.
  4. Replace the accessKey placeholder with the AWS access key for the AWS user you created (with the required policies).
  5. Add the permananet secret key in secretKeyRef.
  6. Here we assume the region for secret key to be us-east-1. Please replace it with the appropriate region.
  7. Add an active delegate under the delegateSelectors.
  8. In projectIdentifier, replace with the project identifier with yours, for example, default.
  9. Select Save Changes and verify that the new connector named harness_awsconnector is successfully created.
  10. Finally, select Connection Test under Connectivity Status to ensure the connection is successful.

GitHub connector


If you already have a Git connector that gives access to your forked harnesscd-example-apps repo, then proceed to creating a pipeline directly.

  1. Create the GitHub connector.
    • Copy the contents of github-connector.yml.
    • In your Harness project in the Harness Manager, under Project Setup, select Connectors.
    • Select Create via YAML Builder and paste the copied YAML.
    • Assuming you have already forked the harnesscd-example-apps repository mentioned earlier, replace GITHUB_USERNAME with your GitHub account username in the YAML.
    • In projectIdentifier, verify that the project identifier is correct. You can see the Id in the browser URL (after account). If it is incorrect, the Harness YAML editor will suggest the correct Id.
    • Select Save Changes and verify that the new connector named harness_gitconnector is successfully created.
    • Finally, select Connection Test under Connectivity Status to ensure the connection is successful.

Create pipeline with custom stage

  1. In Default Project, select Pipelines.
    • Select New Pipeline or Create a Pipeline.
    • Enter the name cf_provisioned_pipeline.
    • Select Inline to store the pipeline in Harness.
    • Select Start.
  2. In the pipeline studio, in Select Stage Type, select Custom Stage.
  3. Name the stage infra-provision and select Set Up Stage.
  4. Select Add Step, and select CloudFormation Create Stack.

CloudFormation Create Stack step

  1. Under Step Parameters, add the Provision Identifier as demoprovision.
  2. Add the AWS Connector you created before and add the region for which your connector has persmission to create the CloudFormation Stack.
  3. Assuming you have already forked the harness-cd-example apps repo and have a functional GitHub connector, use the same connector to add the template file in the file store.
  4. Select the Git Fetch type as Latest from Branch, add the Branch as main, set the Template File Path as cloudformation/cf_template.yaml, and select Submit
  5. Now provide the Stack Name as harness-provisoned-stack and select Apply Changes.
  6. Now Save and Run the pipeline.

Check your AWS Management console for CloudFormation and you'll find the new CloudFormation Stack created.

Rollback provisioned infrastructure with the CloudFormation Rollback step

This tutorial will rollback infrastructure using the CloudFormation Rollback Stack step in the Rollback section of your Deploy stage.


This tutorial is a continuation of the previous tab using the Create Stack step in a Custom Stage.

Before you begin

Verify that you have the following:

  1. You have a working Kubernetes cluster that will be used as the deployment infrastructure. Please follow the previous tab to provision it using CloudFormation.

Getting Started with Harness CD

  1. Log into Harness.
  2. Select Projects, and then select the Default Project where you created the pipeline cf_provisioned_pipeline (in the previous tab).
  3. Now install the following resources to be used in the pipeline.


  1. Under Project Setup, select Delegates.

    • Select Tokens.

      • Select New Token.
      • Name the token delegate_token.
      • Select Apply.
      • Copy the token value using the copy icon and store it somewhere.
      • Select Close.
    • Select Delegates.

      • Select New Delegate.

        For this tutorial, let's explore how to install a delegate using Helm.

      • Add the Harness Helm chart repo to your local helm registry using the following commands.

      helm repo add harness-delegate
      • Update the repo:
      helm repo update harness-delegate
      • In the command provided, ACCOUNT_ID and MANAGER_ENDPOINT are auto-populated values that you can obtain from the delegate installation wizard.
      • Replace DELEGATE_TOKEN in the command with the token that was copied earlier and proceed with delegate installation.
      helm upgrade -i helm-delegate --namespace harness-delegate-ng --create-namespace \
      harness-delegate/harness-delegate-ng \
      --set delegateName=helm-delegate \
      --set accountId=ACCOUNT_ID \
      --set managerEndpoint=MANAGER_ENDPOINT \
      --set delegateDockerImage=harness/delegate:23.03.78904 \
      --set replicas=1 --set upgrader.enabled=false \
      --set delegateToken=DELEGATE_TOKEN
      • Select Verify to verify that the delegate is installed successfully and can connect to the Harness Manager.

You can also go to Install Harness Delegate on Kubernetes or Docker for instructions on installing the delegate using the Harness Terraform Provider or a Kubernetes manifest.


  1. Under Project Setup, select Secrets.
    • Select New Secret, and then select Text.
    • Enter the secret name harness_gitpat.
    • For the secret value, paste the GitHub personal access token you saved earlier.
    • Select Save.


  1. Create the GitHub connector.
    • Copy the contents of github-connector.yml.
    • In your Harness project in the Harness Manager, under Project Setup, select Connectors.
    • Select Create via YAML Builder and paste the copied YAML.
    • Assuming you have already forked the harnesscd-example-apps repository mentioned earlier, replace GITHUB_USERNAME with your GitHub account username in the YAML.
    • In projectIdentifier, verify that the project identifier is correct. You can see the Id in the browser URL (after account). If it is incorrect, the Harness YAML editor will suggest the correct Id.
    • Select Save Changes and verify that the new connector named harness_gitconnector is successfully created.
    • Finally, select Connection Test under Connectivity Status to ensure the connection is successful.

Here we are using the same EKS cluster we provisioned in the Provision with CloudFormation Create Stack tab.

  1. Create the Kubernetes connector.
    • Copy the contents of kubernetes-connector.yml.
    • In your Harness project, under Project Setup, select Connectors.
    • Select Create via YAML Builder and and paste the copied YAML.
    • Replace DELEGATE_NAME with the installed Delegate name. To obtain the Delegate name, navigate to Project Setup, and then Delegates.
    • Select Save Changes and verify that the new connector named harness_k8sconnector is successfully created.
    • Finally, select Connection Test under Connectivity Status to verify the connection is successful.


  1. In your Harness project, select Environments.
    • Select New Environment, and then select YAML.
    • Copy the contents of environment.yml, paste it into the YAML editor, and select Save.
    • In your new environment, select the Infrastructure Definitions tab.
    • Select Infrastructure Definition, and then select YAML.
    • Copy the contents of infrastructure-definition.yml and paste it into the YAML editor.
    • Select Save and verify that the environment and infrastructure definition are created successfully.


  1. In your Harness project, select Services.
    • Select New Service.
    • Enter the name harnessguestbook.
    • Select Save, and then YAML (on the Configuration tab).
    • Select Edit YAML, copy the contents of service.yml, and paste the into the YAML editor.
    • Select Save, and verify that the service harness_guestbook is successfully created.

Deploy stage and rollback the infrastructure

  1. In the cf_provisioned_pipeline you already created, add a new stage after the infra_provision Custom stage and, in Select Stage Type, select Deploy.
  2. Now in the Select Service drop-down select the harness_guestbook and select Continue.
  3. Specify the environment as harnessdevenv and select the infrastructure harness_k8sinfra.
  4. Select Continue.
  5. For the execution type, select the Canary strategy.
  6. Select Add Step, and add the CLoudFormation Rollback step.
  7. In Provisioner Identifier, enter demoprovision and apply changes.
  8. Select Save and Run the pipeline.